




未经批准的天 is a dynamic and fun program for our incoming students that takes place the weekend before fall classes begin on 周一, 8月28日. There are a variety of mandatory and social activities and meetings throughout the weekend to help students settle into campus and get ready for the year. 


  • 结识学术合作伙伴
  • 探索校园
  • 与同伴联系
  • 学习如何参与


下面是野猫日的概要. A complete schedule will be given to all students at move-in.

所有标有*的程序都是 要求 所有即将入学的学生

Note: All locations written in bold are 新 changes to the schedule 



学生宿舍  Settle into your residence hall with the helps of our RAs and the Wildcat Welcome Crew 
公开会议* 晚上6点到7点  学生宿舍

Your RA will communicate the exact time for your mandatory floor meetings during this time-block. These meetings are your first opportunity to get to know the people you will be living with and learn about what it means to be a part of a residential community.  

MUBfest 晚上7点到10点  纪念会大楼

MUBFest is a tradition for all first year students at UNH! 你喜欢免费的食物吗? What about a chance to win awesome prizes like Apple AirPods? This event is a crash course for all the MUB has to offer through the year. There will be UNH merch, escape rooms, trivia, dancing, a Zen Zone and more. Plus refresh that wardrobe or find some 新 res hall decor at Trash 2 Treasure!



学术欢迎* 10 AM  Whittemore中心 副院长们的欢迎
野猫队 & 幸福* 10:30 AM  Whittemore中心 Starting college comes with building 新 habits and exploring 新 things about yourself and your 新 home. 健康之声 & 健康, 心理及谘询服务, and the Civil Rights and Equity Office about how to prioritize your well-being, 在大学期间做出健康的决定, 以及如何在需要的时候获得支持. 
CHHS学术发布会 1:00 - 2:30 PM HRC MAC东体育馆

CHHS students will come together to take their CHHS Class of 2027 group picture, 了解他们的学术顾问和同行导师, 了解更多永利app新版本官网地址秋季课程表的信息. 


PAUL学术启动 1:00-3:00PM  约翰逊剧院 详情即将公布
cep会话 2:15-2:45PM  约翰逊剧院

CEPS Students will come together for  Welcome from the CEPS Dean, 为教职员和在校生提供建议, 还有2027届的合影. 


猫包开球* 3:15 PM Whittemore中心 Head to 纪念场 for the beloved tradition of taking a class photo that will be displayed in the MUB!
后, 联合国大学的管理人员也将出席, 参议院, and members of the Cat Pack Captains to help you kickoff your college experience!
校园里野餐 4:30-7 PM  地点变更:Holloway Commons

Continue your celebration with a picnic, hosted by UNH’s 餐厅 Services.  

Location change: Holloway Commons (HoCo) due to weather

资源公平* 5-7 PM 纪念联合大厦-斯特拉福德室

Come to the 工作人员ord Room during dinner to learn about resources available to you here at UNH. Enter in a chance to win prizes by visiting as many tables as you can!  

地点变更:由于天气原因,MUB Strafford Room

野猫Bash 7-10 PM 大草坪(汤普森大厅外) Join your fellow 野猫队 at the great Lawn for a fun night of carnival-esque games like skee ball, 斧头扔, 障碍课程, 真人大小的桌上足球和更多!


全天提供各种各样的节目, Choose your Own Adventure Sunday is your chance to settle in and do what you need to do to feel prepared to begin classes on 周一. Scroll through all the 选择你自己的冒险 options below! 

在大学树林里晨跑 8 AM  在野猫雕像见  Join 校园娱乐 for a 3 mile run through College Woods! 
早上瑜伽  10 AM  鱼缸(司考堂外) 参加校园娱乐中心的户外瑜伽课程. 如果有的话,带上你自己的垫子! 席子有限,先到先得
日历与CFAR 上午11点到下午12点  MUB 334/336和MUB 338/340  掌握好你的秋季计划! 将提供日历和日程安排资源. 带上你的笔记本电脑和朋友. 让我们看看这学期会发生什么!
了解博爱 & 女生联谊会的生活 



MUB剧场1 Looking to get involved with student organizations driven by social networking, 慈善事业, 社区服务, 领导力发展, 职业发展, 兄弟/姐妹, 还有更多? Come explore what our Fraternity and 女生联谊会的生活 社区 at UNH has to offer. 有22个活跃机构, 两个委员会, 荣誉协会, and representing about 16% of the undergraduate student body. This engaging community might be the best place to start your journey. In this session, you'll learn all about what FSL offers and ways to begin the recruitment process!
可持续发展——学习、实践、引领 上午11点到下午12点  MUB 330  Connect with the UNH 可持续性 Institute and discover opportunities to learn, 像变革者一样练习和领导.
寻找你的课程 11 AM  盖房子  Bring your course schedule and meet outside of 盖房子 on campus. 取向 Leaders will help you find your classes for the upcoming semester! 
戴蒙德图书馆资源表 & 图书馆之旅 





Students can drop by 钻石库 Lobby to visit the resource table and Ask us Anything!  参观桌子的学生可以参加我们的抽奖活动.


探索图书馆如何帮助你成功! Meet in 钻石库 Lobby at 2 PM and bring a laptop, 平板电脑, or smartphone to this interactive session where you'll learn about the many resources, 空间, 以及通过联合国大学图书馆提供的服务.

女子曲棍球 12 PM 纪念场 Watch the 女子曲棍球 team compete against Michigan State at 纪念场! 无需购票.
电子中心开放日 下午1点到3点  21 Madbury Road (doors under orange roof across from Hop & 磨) Come meet student ambassadors at the ECenter and experience the home for ideas, 创新, 和创业精神! 我们会提供免费的硝化冰萃,本 & 杰瑞的迷你杯和参观中心, 的Makerspace, and learn about the events we have planned for this fall. 我们等不及要见到你了!
目标之旅 1 PM & 2 PM 在学术路10号见面 Need any last minute items for your residence hall room or for classes starting up? 报名乘坐班车前往目标地点. 座位有限! 点击这里报名参加旅行
冰淇淋社会与UNH支持性康复 下午1:30 - 3:30


Drop by and connect with other students seeking substance free activities. 由UNH支持恢复校园社区主办.
愿景版图 & 自我保健 下午2点到4点  沃尔夫的房子 Stop by 沃尔夫的房子 to set your intentions for the upcoming year through vision boards and other self-care activities. The space will be quiet and low-key and you are not 要求 to stay for the entire time. Craft supplies will be provided but you are also welcome to bring your own!
校内的101 下午2点到5点  哈默尔娱乐中心 对校内运动感兴趣? 需要一个团队? Come discover 校内的运动 offerings and how to register. 进入HRC了解更多信息!
户外探险 & 抱石墙  下午2点到5点  哈默尔娱乐中心二楼  户外探险探索花岗岩州! Equipment, skills, and transportation to help you enjoy the mountains and ocean. Visit 校园娱乐's Bouldering Wall 2-5pm for more info on classes, competitions, and trips.
人权组织旅游 下午2点到5点  哈默尔娱乐中心 看看哈默尔娱乐中心. 这五个健身空间有很多值得发现的地方, 七个多功能法庭, 三个健身工作室, 并设有室外装备间.
寻找你的课程 3:30 PM  盖房子  Bring your course schedule and meet outside of 盖房子 on campus. 取向 Leaders will help you find your classes for the upcoming semester! 
男子足球 5 PM 未经批准的体育场 Watch UNH’s Four-Time  American East Champion Men’s Soccer Team in their first home game of the season against Boston University.  无需购票.
欢迎光临S'mores 晚上6点到7点 在哈伯德大厅后面 Join us to meet the other incoming Honors students and upper division Honors student leaders
宾戈游戏! 8 PM 花岗岩国家厅,MUB Wrap up your first weekend at UNH at 宾戈游戏, a UNH fan favorite. 奖品包括!
找到适合你的 晚上6点到9点 纪念场 这个活动包括一只机械公牛, 躲避球比赛, 充气景点, 披萨, 和音乐. Explore opportunities within 校园 Rec including sport clubs, 校内的运动, 团体运动, 还有户外探险, 等. Be sure to visit other campus partners who will take part in the fun!  点击这里了解更多.